Uranium standards, shipping-export-import regulations
Shipping of AMIS uranium bearing reference materials to countries such as Canada and Australia should not be a problem for two reasons. Firstly AMIS uranium standards contain such small quantities of uranium and thorium they generally do not classify as radioactive. Secondly African Mineral Standards is licensed by the South African National Nuclear Regulator to produce, distribute and export reference materials containing uranium according to Nuclear Authorisation COR-198.
The regulations (IAEA Safety Standards Series No. TS-R-1) are written in officialese, which makes them a bit inaccessible. Our guide summarizes the relevant bits. Notwithstanding, the ultimate responsibility to let the goods through will in any event rest on local customs officials. We will give them the paperwork filled out according to the international conventions; but customers are still advised to pass our paperwork by their customs officials first.