AMIS0082 Zinc and Lead, SEDEX, 0.7 & 0.3%, Botswana
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Origin of material: This material was provided by Mt Burgess Mining (NL) from their Kihabe Base Metals Project is located on the border of Botswana and Namibia about 700km north-west of the capital, Gaborone, in Ngamiland. The Project is 350km by road from Maun and 50km from Tsumkwe, Namibia. The target is within a Proterozoic belt of metasedimentary rocks, with around one third of the prospective geology occurring in Botswana (PL 69/2003, area ~1,000km²) and two thirds in Namibia.
The belt of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks, composed primarily of carbonate and siliclastic rocks, form a trapezoidal wedge of tightly to isoclinally folded metamorphosed sediments of the Damaran Supergroup, bounded by granites and gneisses of the Quangwadum Complex and Kihabe Complex. The target mineralisation is primarily stratiform to stratabound sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) sulphides occurring at a known stratigraphic level within the basin. The Company’s geological model is that the Belt represents a re-closed rift basin with a fill of arkose, greywacke, quartzites and sabkha-facies stromatolitic dolomites. Mineralisation occurs between dolomite and quartzite for a combined strike length of 450km, within Namibia and Botswana.
The Kihabe Resource is located along a contact between the dolomite footwall and a sequence of rhythmically bedded sandstones, which have been folded and metamorphosed to, respectively, dolomitic marble and chloritic quartzite. The local geology of the deposit is known to be a west-plunging syncline. Mineralisation is developed within the host quartzite within thick, coarse grained beds, and weakens upwards in the stratigraphy as the grain size reduces. Mineralisation forms a series of overlapping stacked horizons controlled by the beds within the quartzite.
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Recommended Concentration and two “Between Laboratory” Standard Deviations
Certified Concentrations
Zn M/ICP |
7520 |
± |
398 |
ppm |
Zn P |
7233 |
± |
512 |
ppm |
Zn XRF |
7590 |
± |
186 |
ppm |
Pb M/ICP |
3089 |
± |
180 |
ppm |
Pb P |
3037 |
± |
178 |
ppm |
Cu M/ICP |
125 |
± |
10 |
ppm |
Cu P |
123 |
± |
10 |
ppm |
Specific Gravity |
2.74 |
± |
0.12 |
Provisional Concentrations
Pb XRF |
3326 |
± |
480 |
ppm |
Cu XRF |
134 |
± |
21.5 |
ppm |
Ag M/ICP |
4.7 |
± |
0.7 |
ppm |
Indicated Value
Au Pb Collection |
0.02 |
g/t |

Major Element Certified Concentrations
Al2O3 |
8.68 |
± |
0.26 |
% |
CaO |
1.12 |
± |
0.03 |
% |
Fe2O3 |
3.19 |
± |
0.08 |
% |
K2O |
3.23 |
± |
0.08 |
% |
MgO |
1.38 |
± |
0.08 |
% |
MnO |
0.05 |
± |
0.004 |
% |
P2O5 |
0.10 |
± |
0.01 |
% |
SiO2 |
75.98 |
± |
1.82 |
% |
TiO2 |
0.46 |
± |
0.02 |
% |
1.09 |
± |
0.10 |
% |
2.82 |
± |
0.32 |
% |
Major Element Provisional Concentrations
Cr2O3 |
0.08 |
± |
0.01 |
% |
Na2O |
1.41 |
± |
0.26 |
% |