AMIS0501 V 0.97% Vanadium Mapochs South Africa
Origin of Material: The Material originates from Mapochs Mine in the Limpopo Province, near the town of Roosenekal
It is taken from a stock pile at the mine, which was mined from the Main Magnetite layer on the Eastern Bushveld Limb.
The Mapochs Mine is located approximately 90km northeast of Middelburg, 75km south of Steelpoort in Limpopo Province, South Africa. In this region, the Main magnetite seam dips westwards at an angle of about 13 degrees, which nearly coincides with the topography in the vicinity of the Mine. At the Mine, magnetite fragments and boulders, often referred to as rubble ore, occur to the east of the seam outcrop. Between the Main seam outcrop and the rubble ore lies weathered pavement ore, which is about 0,75 to 1 m thick. The pavement overburden is of negligible proportions. The Main seam follows the pavement on the dip.4
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition: The Main magnetite seam has a remarkably consistent tenor of 1.6 +- 0.2 per cent vanadium pentoxide. This seam can be traced for hundreds of kilometres round the elliptical rim of the Complex. The highly magnetic titanomagnetite grains from the Main seam consists of closely packed, almost equant grains, with interstitial minor accessory silicates. The titanium in the ore is present mainly as a solid solution in the titanium-rich magnetite phase (ulvospinel, Fe2TiO4), and to a lesser degree as ilmenite. The ilmenite is present as individual grains, as elongated intergranular bodies, or as exsolution lamellae arranged parallel to the octahedral planes of the magnetite. The vanadium occurs in the ore as a solid solution within the magnetite-ulvospinel, where V3+has replaced Fe3+. Researchers have suggested that the vanadium is distributed uniformly throughout the magnetite grains excluding the ilmenite lamellae, and does not occur as a separate mineral phase. Where exposed to weathering, the magnetite has been oxidized to vanado-maghemite, (FeTi)2O3)’ and small concentrations of hematite, without any alteration in the texture of the ore.4
Certified Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Fe 4A_MICP 53.66 ± 1.5 %
Fe FUS 53.76 ± 0.72 %
Ti 4A_MICP 7.48 ± 0.49 %
Ti FUS 7.67 ± 0.57 %
V 4A_MICP 0.946 ± 0.035 %
V FUS 0.971 ± 0.076 %
U 4A_MICP 0.20 ± 0.06 ppm
SG 4.65 ± 0.060 Dimensionless
S Comb/LECO 0.031 ± 0.005 %