Origin of material: This reference material has been made from assay pulp reject material supplied by Xemplar Energy, from their Warmbad Property, located in the extreme south of Namibia, bordering on South Africa. Exploration has been undertaken on fourteen uraniferous alaskite bodies identified along a linear feature some 30 kms in length. The exploration model is a Rossing type uranium occurrence.
Mineral and chemical composition: Uranium mineralization is hosted by alaskitic pegmatites intruded into biotite gneiss. It consists of yellow uranium oxide, probably uranophane, which both coats the surfaces of the pegmatite and occurs as disseminations within the rock. Pitchblende has been reported in phases of the pegmatite. The major element chemistry for this material has also been determined by predominantly XRF analyses from fourteen of the laboratories and has also been certified. Additional trace element chemistry for this product is available on request.
Recommended Concentration and two “Between
U (M/ICP) | 456 | ± | 45 | ppm |
U (XRF) | 466 | ± | 38 | ppm |
Specific Gravity | 2.65 | ± | 0.14 | g/cc |
Al2O3 (XRF) | 8.43 | ± | 0.22 | % |
CaO (XRF) | 1.25 | ± | 0.04 | % |
Fe2O3 (XRF) | 2.48 | ± | 0.14 | % |
K2O (XRF) | 1.89 | ± | 0.03 | % |
MnO (XRF) | 0.030 | ± | 0.002 | % |
Na2O (XRF) | 2.32 | ± | 0.18 | % |
SiO2 (XRF) | 82.8 | ± | 1.08 | % |
Cr2O3 (XRF) | 0.085 | ± | 0.008 | % |
MgO (XRF) | 0.14 | ± | 0.03 | % |
S (M/ICP) | 0.048 | ± | 0.012 | % |
TiO2 (XRF) | 0.035 | ± | 0.008 | % |
P2O5 (XRF) | 0.03 | % |