Origin of Material
The material was supplied by Rio Tinto Limited from their Rössing Uranium Mine situated at
Swakopmund in Namibia. The uranium mineralisation is associated with Neoproterozoic Damara
Orogen syntactic alaskitic granites that display concordant, discordant and replacement relationships
to the heavily folded host gneisses, marbles and limestones of the Khan and Rössing Formations
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The uranium bearing minerals are mainly uraninite and its alteration products, and minor betafite.
Analyte Method Certified(μ) Concentrations
U 4A_MICP 329 24 ppm
U XRF 330 29 ppm
U3O8 XRF 0.039 0.004 %
Major Oxides Certified Concentrations (at two Standard Deviations)
Al2O3 XRF13.46 0.138 %
CaO XRF 3.27 0.083 %
Fe2O3 XRF 2.40 0.091 %
K2O XRF 4.79 0.053 %
MgO XRF 1.62 0.065 %
Na2O XRF 3.32 0.048 %
P2O5 XRF 0.18 0.02 %
SiO2 XRF 68.90 0.535 %
TiO2 XRF 0.23 0.02 %