AMIS0602 TiO2 90.62% Rutile Mineral Sands South Africa
Origin of Material
The raw material was provided by Tronox KZN Sands situated at Empangeni in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Rutile is a naturally occurring mineral, with a TiO2 content ranging from 94-96 percent.
Rutile is separated from heavy mineral concentrate in the dry mill or mineral separation plants.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Mineral sands are within a class of ore deposits that contain heavy minerals such as ilmenite, zircon, leucoxene, and rutile. The most important, naturally occurring minerals that are mined to produce titanium dioxide.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method Certified (µ)4 (2s)6 ± Unit
Sn FUS1 158 24 ppm
SG SG2 4.15 0.25 Dimensionless
U FUS 37 8 ppm
Th FUS 29 7 ppm
Al FUS 7365 893 ppm
Be FUS 9 2 ppm
Bi FUS 5 2 ppm
Ce FUS 48 3 ppm
Cr FUS 976 145 ppm
Cs FUS 2 0.6 ppm
Dy FUS 11 1 ppm
Er FUS 8 1 ppm
Eu FUS 1 0.3 ppm
Gd FUS 8 0.7 ppm
Hf FUS 144 31 ppm
Ho FUS 2 0.2 ppm
K FUS 1011 42 ppm
La FUS 21 2 ppm
Li FUS 1226 177 ppm
Lu FUS 2 0.3 ppm
Mn FUS 199 5 ppm
Mo FUS 28 6 ppm
Nb FUS 1935 299 ppm
Nd FUS 24 2 ppm
Pr FUS 6 0.5 ppm
Rb FUS 18 3 ppm
Sb FUS 11 2 ppm
Sc FUS 37 8 ppm
Si FUS 1.99 0.032 %
Sm FUS 7 1 ppm
Sr FUS 31 4 ppm
Ta FUS 125 32 ppm
Tb FUS 1 0.2 ppm
Tm FUS 1 0.1 ppm
V FUS 2675 306 ppm
W FUS 197 33 ppm
Y FUS 57 16 ppm
Yb FUS 10 2 ppm