AMIS0516 PGM 4E 4.14g/t UG2 West Limb South Africa
Origin of Material
This standard was made using Pt/Pd UG2 rich chromitite material supplied by Anglo Platinum Limited from the Bushveld Complex. The UG2 Reef, the composition of which is relatively consistent throughout the BIC, is rich in chromite. Chromitite layers occur commonly in large mafic layered intrusions. A current theory is that chromitites form as a result of introduction and mixing of chemically primitive magma with a more evolved magma, which leads to supersaturation of chromite in the mixture, which in turn leads to the formation of a nearly monomineralic layer on the magma chamber floor.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The UG2 chromitite ore consists of fine to medium size cumulus chromite grains with substantial amounts of post-cumulus orthopyroxene crystals. The footwall is a coarse grained pegmatoidal pyroxenite with sporadic occurrences of chromitite blebs, lenses and stringers. The hanging wall is predominantly fine to medium grained orthopyroxenite with three or more chromitite stringers referred to as the UG2 leaders.
Au Pb Collection 0.033 g/t
Pt Pb Collection 2.47 g/t
Pd Pb Collection 1.10 g/t
Rh Pb Collection 0.44 g/t
Au NiS 0.029 g/t
Pt NiS 2.52 g/t
Pd NiS 1.11 g/t
Rh NiS 0.48 g/t
Ir NiS 0.18 g/t
Ru NiS 0.78 g/t
Co FUS 203 ppm
Cu 4A_MICP 70 ppm
Cr FUS 16.56 %
Cr XRF 16.56 %
Ni 4A_MICP 1121 %
Ni FUS 1140 %
SG SG5 3.72 Dimensionless
1. Origin of Material
This standard was made using Pt/Pd UG2 rich chromitite material supplied by Anglo Platinum Limited from the Bushveld Complex. The UG2 Reef, the composition of which is relatively consistent throughout the BIC, is rich in chromite. Chromitite layers occur commonly in large mafic layered intrusions. A current theory is that chromitites form as a result of introduction and mixing of chemically primitive magma with a more evolved magma, which leads to supersaturation of chromite in the mixture, which in turn leads to the formation of a nearly monomineralic layer on the magma chamber floor.
2. Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The UG2 chromitite ore consists of fine to medium size cumulus chromite grains with substantial amounts of post-cumulus orthopyroxene crystals. The footwall is a coarse grained pegmatoidal pyroxenite with sporadic occurrences of chromitite blebs, lenses and stringers. The hanging wall is predominantly fine to medium grained orthopyroxenite with three or more chromitite stringers referred to as the UG2 leaders.