AMIS0463 PGM 3E 282g/t Polokwane South Africa
Origin of Material: AMIS0463 was made from a Matte material collected after the smelting process of Merensky; UG2 and Platreef Concentrate. It was supplied by Anglo American Platinum.
Mineral and Chemical Composition: The material is a base metal sulphide concentrated in PGM.
Certified Concentrations
Pt Pb Collection 127,19 ± 5,46 g/t
Pd Pb Collection 142,70 ± 7,40 g/t
Au Pb Collection 13,15 ± 0,59 g/t
Co M/ICP 2977 ± 180 ppm
Co P 2786 ± 222 ppm
Cu M/ICP 8,27 ± 0,42 %
Ni M/ICP 11,96 ± 0,59 %
Specific Gravity 4,19 ± 0,26