AMIS0618 Pb 69.85% Black Mountain Aggeneys South Africa
Origin of Material
The material was provided by Black Mountain Mining and is a lead concentrate made from Black Mountain broken hill type ore from the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. The Aggeneys copper-lead-zinc-silver deposits occur in the Precambrian metavolcanic metasedimentary Bushmanland Group which forms part of the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The material comprises of concentrate grades of galena as well as sphalerite, chalcopyrite and quartz. The upper ore body is comprised of three types of iron formation: magnetite quartzite, magnetite-amphibolite and barite-magnetite. The lower ore body consists of barite to quarzitic schist with disseminated sulphides which grades into magnetite amphibolite. The footwall to the massive sulphide lenses is characterized by abundant sillimanite
Analyte Method Certified (µ)2 (2s)4 ± Unit
Pb Titration1 69.85 1.05 %