AMIS0331 Ni 4.685 Cu 4.499 Pt 1.70 Sulphide Deposit Tati Botswana
Origin of Material: AMIS0331 was provided by the Tati Nickel Mining Company, a subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel Africa (Pty) Ltd., from the Phoenix open pit mine in Eastern Botswana. The mine is situated approximately 25 km southwest of Francistown. The deposit occurs in mafic intrusive rocks in the Tati Greenstone Belt of the Rhodesian Craton
Mineral and Chemical Composition: Nickel-copper mineralization occurs in metasomatised feldspathic amphibolites intruded by pegmatites and granites. Mineralisation is in the form of massive sulphide lenses with secondary thin mineralized fractures into the country rock. The primary sulphide is pyrrhotite with lesser pentlandite, chalcopyrite and minor spalerite.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits1.
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Pt Pb Collection 1.70 ± 0.16 g/t
Pd Pb Collection 10.22 ± 0.88 g/t
Au Pb Collection 0.49 ± 0.06 g/t
Co M/ICP 1294 ± 107 ppm
Co P 1254 ± 146 ppm
Cu M/ICP 4.499 ± 0.229 %
Cu P 4.377 ± 0.250 %
Cu XRF 4.339 ± 0.395 %
Ni M/ICP 4.685 ± 0.257 %
Ni P 4.566 ± 0.303 %
Ni XRF 4.671 ± 0.289 %
Specific Gravity 3.55 ± 0.20
PGM 3E= 12.41 g/t