Origin of Material: The material for AMIS0319 was provided by the Nkomati Nickel Mine, joint venture between ARM Platinum and Norilsk Nickel Africa (Pty) Ltd. The mine is situated in the Machadodorp area, Mpumalanga, approximately 300 km east of Johannesburg in South Africa.
Mineral and Chemical Composition: Mineralisation at Nkomati occurs in a number of distinct zones within the Uitkomst Complex, a layered mafic-ultramafic intrusion exposed in a broad valley dissecting the Transvaal Sequence.Economic sulphide mineralization occurs as disseminations, blebs and stringers in three zones, namely the Basal Mineralised Zone (BMZ), in the Basal Gabbro; the Main Mineralised Zone (MMZ), in the Lower Pyroxenite, and the Chromititic Peridotite Mineralised Zone (PCMZ), in the Chromititic Peridotite. The Massive Sulphide Body (MSB), which was situated mainly in the granite basement below the Uitkomst Complex, has been mined out.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Pt Pb Collection 0.19 ± 0.02 g/t
Pd Pb Collection 0.36 ± 0.03 g/t
Co P 97 ± 7 ppm
Cu M/ICP 1231 ± 82 ppm
Cu P 1225 ± 83 ppm
Cu XRF 1221 ± 88 ppm
Ni M/ICP 1844 ± 211 ppm
Ni P 1680 ± 143 ppm
Specific Gravity 2.96 0.20
Provisional Concentration
Au Pb Collection 0.04 ± 0.01 g/t
Co M/ICP 115 ± 21 ppm
Ni XRF 1893 ± 239 ppm