AMIS0637 Ni 0.15% Cu 0.25% Bushveld Nkomati South Africa
Origin of Material
The material was provided by the Nkomati Joint Venture between ARM Platinum and Norilsk Nickel Africa (Pty) Ltd. The mine is situated in the Machadodorp area, Mpumalanga, approximately 300 km east of Johannesburg in South Africa.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Mineralisation at Nkomati occurs in a number of distinct zones within the Uitkomst Complex, a layered mafic-ultramafic intrusion exposed in a broad valley dissecting the Transvaal Sequence. Economic sulphide mineralization occurs as disseminations, blebs and stringers in three zones, namely the Basal Mineralised Zone (BMZ), in the Basal Gabbro; the Main Mineralised Zone (MMZ), in the Lower Pyroxenite, and the Chromititic Peridotite Mineralised Zone (PCMZ), in the Chromititic Peridotite. This very low grade ore CRM was sourced from the Main Mineralised Zone (MMZ).
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method Certified (µ) (2s) ± Unit
Ni 2A_MICP1 1420 47 ppm
Ni FUS 1552 159 ppm
Co 2A_MICP 102 8 ppm
Co FUS 120 22 ppm
Cu 2A_MICP 2481 84 ppm
Cu FUS 2434 191 ppm
Pb FUS 114 22 ppm
Zn FUS 159 38 ppm
LOI LOI 5.56 0.42 %
SG SG 3.02 0.086 Dimensionless
C Combustion/LECO 6271 335 ppm
S Combustion/LECO 1.36 0.084 %
S FUS 1.37 0.048 %
Al FUS 3.55 0.13 %
Ca FUS 6.55 0.53 %
Cr FUS 3761 343 ppm
Fe FUS 8.44 0.33 %
K FUS 5067 299 ppm
Li FUS 27 2 ppm
Mg FUS 10.13 1.0 %
Mn FUS 1434 151 ppm
Si FUS 20.93 1.1 %
Sr FUS 122 15 ppm
Ti FUS 4342 194 ppm
V FUS 128 14 ppm
Y FUS 15 2 ppm