AMIS0536 Mn 20.2% Fe 1.20% Sakura Ferro-Alloy Malaysia
Origin of Material
The slag materials are from Sakura Ferro-Alloy in Malaysia. It is a by-product of High Carbon Ferro-Manganese Smelting Process.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The approximate mineral composition of the material is described in the XRD results in the certificate of analysis
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Al FUS 4.33 0.16 %
C Combustion/LECO2 0.89 0.07 %
Ca FUS 19.8 0.88 %
Cr FUS 435 84 ppm
Fe FUS 1.20 0.059 %
GOI GOI 2.68 0.26 %
K FUS 5171 478 ppm
Mg FUS 3.22 0.31 %
Mn FUS 20.2 0.89 %
S Combustion/LECO 0.85 0.05 %
S FUS 0.85 0.05 %
Si FUS 12.5 1.0 %
Ti FUS 0.21 0.01 %