AMIS0682 Li 8407 ppm Ta 16ppm Pegmatite Ghana
Origin of Material
The material is from the Ewoyaa-Abonku pegmatite deposit ( nr Mankessim), Central Region, Ghana.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Mineralogy is Spodumene, Quartz, Feldspar and muscovite.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method Certified (µ) (2s)
Li FUS1 8407 454 ppm
C Combustion/LECO2 2070 384 ppm
LOI LOI3 1.05 0.081 %
SG SG4 2.80 0.15 Dimensionless
Al FUS 8.46 0.49 %
Be FUS 152 20 ppm
Bi FUS 0.6 0.1 ppm
Ce FUS 1 0.3 ppm
Cs FUS 21 2 ppm
Fe FUS 9860 961 ppm
Ga FUS 40 6 ppm
K FUS 1.54 0.13 %
Mg FUS 1.01 0.095 %
Mn FUS 731 80 ppm
Nb FUS 45 10 ppm
Nd FUS 0.4 0.3 ppm
P FUS 1982 87 ppm
Rb FUS 538 43 ppm
Si FUS 33.77 1.0 %
Sr FUS 45 11 ppm
Ta FUS 16 3 ppm
Th FUS 0.6 0.3 ppm
Tl FUS 3 1 ppm
U FUS 5 0.7 ppm
W FUS 4 2 ppm
Zn FUS 183 27 ppm