Origin of Material
This CRM was made from Lithium, caesium and tantalum pegmatite material from Namaqualand. The Li-rich zoned Noumas I pegmatite of approximately 1 Ga age formed along fractures and tectonic planes of folded granodioritic host rocks of the Vioolsdrift suite, like other pegmatite occurrences in southern Africa. The residual magma, enriched in volatiles and rare elements, intruded along fissures into the surrounding rocks.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Spodumene is found within the mineral assemblage of the Namaqualand pegmatites in the Northern cape. It is one of the principle sources of lithium occurring in granodiorites. The host rocks are pegmatites in granites typically associated with dykes and veins consisting of quartz, microcline-perthite, albite, plagioclase, muscovite, columbite-tantalite, garnet, accessory beryl, spodumene, and schorl.
Li FUS 7334 538 ppm
Li 4A_MICP 6882 938 ppm
Cs FUS 1046 73 ppm
Cs 4A_MICP 971 193 ppm
Nb FUS10 2 ppm
Nb 4A_MICP 12 2 ppm
Ta FUS 5 1 ppm
Ta 4A_MICP 4 2 ppm
Th FUS 3 0.6 ppm
Th 4A_MICP 2 0.5 ppm
U FUS 1 0.2 ppm
U 4A_MICP 1 0.3 ppm
SG SG 2.79 0.14 Dimensionless
Al FUS 101242 7829 ppm
Ba FUS 69 5 ppm
Bi FUS 17 2 ppm
Ce FUS 1 0.2 ppm
Co FUS 3 1 ppm
Cr FUS 619 64 ppm
Cu FUS 52 18 ppm
Er FUS 0.1 0.07 ppm
Fe FUS 7493 528 ppm
Ga FUS 32 5 ppm
Ge FUS 9 2 ppm
La FUS 1 0.3 ppm
Mg FUS 3593 621 ppm
Mn FUS 645 74 ppm
Ni FUS 36 8 ppm
P FUS 519 98 ppm
Rb FUS 1483 88 ppm
Sr FUS 29 10 ppm
Tl FUS 8 0.8 ppm
Y FUS 0.8 0.2 ppm
Zn FUS 190 26 ppm
Bi 4A_MICP 16 3 ppm
Cd 4A_MICP 0.1 0.02 ppm
Co 4A_MICP 3 0.5 ppm
Cu 4A_MICP 48 7 ppm
Dy 4A_MICP 0.1 0.02 ppm
Er 4A_MICP 0.1 0.021 ppm
Ga 4A_MICP 31 7 ppm
Gd 4A_MICP 0.2 0.02 ppm
Hf 4A_MICP 0.3 0.1 ppm
K 4A_MICP 33805 3877 ppm
Lu 4A_MICP 0.01 0.001 ppm
Mo 4A_MICP 1 0.2 ppm
Nd 4A_MICP 0.4 0.09 ppm
Ni 4A_MICP 32 7 ppm
Pb 4A_MICP 10 4 ppm
Pr 4A_MICP 0.1 0.05 ppm
Rb 4A_MICP 1428 212 ppm
Sc 4A_MICP 0.7 0.4 ppm
Sm 4A_MICP 0.1 0.04 ppm
Tl 4A_MICP 8 1 ppm
V 4A_MICP 8 3 ppm
W 4A_MICP 0.7 0.5 ppm
Y 4A_MICP 0.8 0.2 ppm
Yb 4A_MICP 0.1 0.02 ppm