AMIS0343 Li 7016ppm Ta 176ppm Pegmatite Australia
Origin of Material: AMIS0343 is a commissioned CRM made using ore sourced from the Mt Cattlin Spodumene Mine situated at Ravensthorpe 430km east south east of Perth in Western Australia. The ore was supplied by Galaxy Resources through SGS Mineral Services Ltd. The Mt Cattlin project is located in the Phillips River Mineral Field, within the Ravensthorpe Terrain, which forms part of the Archaean greenstone belt. The pegmatite’s which comprise the orebodies comprise sub-horizontal dykes, hosted by both volcanic and intrusive rocks.
Mineral and Chemical Composition: The pegmatite’s comprise quartz, albite, microcline, perthite, spodumene, muscovite and lepidolite. The predominant lithium mineral is spodumene. There are economically significant grades of tantalum present as columbite, tantalite and microlite,
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Li M/ICP 7016 ± 666 ppm
Ta XRF 176 ± 19 ppm
Sn Fus 85 ± 9 ppm
Nb FUS 42 ± 4 ppm
U FUS 6.3 ± 0.7 ppm
Specific Gravity 2.75 ± 0.08
Provisional Concentrations
As M/ICP 13 ± 2 ppm
Nb M/ICP 36 ± 9 ppm
Sb M/ICP 7 ± 1 ppm
F ISE 2273 ± 444 ppm
Informational Mean
Nb XRF 44 ppm