AMIS0561 Kyanite Al2O3 20.2% SiO2 67.4% USA
Origin of Material
Kyanite is a silicate mineral that is formed during the regional metamorphism of clay-rich sediments. It occurs as elongated blades principally in gneisses and schists, and it is often accompanied by garnet, quartz, and mica. It can also occur in igneous rocks such as granite. Kyanite in central Virginia occurs for the most part in a metamorphosed sediment, the Wissahickon formation. Where most abundant it is found in the quartzite beds of that formation.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Kyanite is part of the three aluminium silicate minerals, which include sillimanite and andalusite and all have the same chemical composition (Al2O3.SiO2) but differing in physical properties. These minerals are also known as “super-refractories” in view of their special refractory properties.
Analyte Method 3Certified (µ) 5Two Standard Deviation (2s) ± Unit
S Combustion/LECO1 1.05 0.12 %
Al2O3 XRF2 20.2 0.68 %
Fe2O3 XRF 6.92 0.10 %
K2O XRF 0.501 0.037 %
MgO XRF 0.244 0.032 %
P2O5 XRF 0.110 0.021 %
SiO2 XRF 67.4 2.3 %
SO3 XRF 2.62 0.22 %
TiO2 XRF 0.58 0.02 %