AMIS0250, Fluorite, 8.99 %, Zeerust, South Africa
Origin of Material: AMIS0250 is a commissioned CRM made up of material supplied by ENRC from the Witkop Flourspar Mine; 18km south of the town of Zeerust and 115 km west of Rustenburg, in the North West Province of South Africa. The Witkop fluorspar deposits are large bedded replacement deposits of the classical Mississippi Valley type. They occur in the Transvaal Basin, within 2550 million year old dolomites of the Malmani Subgroup, Transvaal Supergroup. Fluorspar mineralisation occurs mainly associated with stromatolites in the Middle Frisco Zone and appears to have been introduced post deposition by hydrothermal brines. The fluorite occurs as a filling in permeable beds; within small gas cavities in the stromatolites.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
F ISE 8.99 ± 0.46 %
U M/ICP 6.5 ± 0.8 ppm
Specific Gravity 2.93 ± 0.08
Provisional Concentrations
Th M/ICP 1.20 ± 0.22 ppm