AMIS0593 Cu 405 ppm Au 0.144 g/t Tails Didipio Philippines
Origin of Material
One tonne solid sample was collected from the tails thickener underflow discharge of the Didipio processing plant. The tailings is what remains of the slurry after most of the copper and gold is recovered from the flotation circuit.
The Didipio Gold-Copper Project is located in the north of Luzon Island approximately 270km NNE of Manila, in the Philippines. The deposit lies within the Dinkidi stock in the Didipio Igneous Complex, a massive alkalic intrusive body. Regionally, the geology consists of late Miocene aged volcanic, volcaniclastic, intrusive and sedimentary rocks that are hosted above a sequence of pre-tertiary aged tonalite and schist
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Chalcopyrite and gold are the main economic minerals in the deposit. Chalcopyrite occurs as fine-grained disseminations, aggregates, fracture fillings and stockwork veins, particularly within the vein zone of alteration. Chalcopyrite can replace magnetite and is, in turn, replaced by bornite. Bornite occurs as alteration rims around and along fractures within chalcopyrite grains.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method 8 (µ) 11 ± (2s) Unit
Cu 4A_MICP 2 405 13 ppm
Cu FUS 3 402 19 ppm
Cu SAL 1 215 40 ppm
Au Pb Collection 4 0.144 0.010 g/t
C Combustion/LECO 5 4643 127 ppm
SG SG 6 3 0.1 Dimensionless
Al 4A_MICP 8.61 0.62 %
Al FUS 8.71 0.21 %
Ba 4A_MICP 1190 201 ppm
Ba FUS 1259 142 ppm
Be 4A_MICP 0.9 0.2 ppm
Bi 4A_MICP 0.2 0.1 ppm
Ca 4A_MICP 2.70 0.027 %
Ca FUS 2.68 0.12 %
Ce 4A_MICP 17 22 ppm
Co 4A_MICP 8 2 ppm
Cr FUS 88 27 ppm
Cs FUS 0.6 0.1 ppm
Fe 4A_MICP 2.76 0.25 %
Fe FUS 2.70 0.10 %
Ga 4A_MICP 23 1 ppm
Ga FUS 22 6 ppm
Ge FUS 2 1 ppm
Hf 4A_MICP 0.7 0.1 ppm
K 4A_MICP 3.91 0.058 %
K FUS 3.89 0.11 %
La 4A_MICP 8 3 ppm
Li 4A_MICP 5 1 ppm
Mg 4A_MICP 7815 492 ppm
Mg FUS 7967 227 ppm
Mn 4A_MICP 455 17 ppm
Mn FUS 468 28 ppm
Na 4A_MICP 3.64 0.13 %
Nb 4A_MICP 1 2 ppm
Ni 4A_MICP 4 1 ppm
P 4A_MICP 1095 24 ppm
Pb 4A_MICP 7 3 ppm
Rb 4A_MICP 62 76 ppm
Rb FUS 62 9 ppm
Sc 4A_MICP 5 1 ppm
Si FUS 28.24 1.2 %
Sr 4A_MICP 655 52 ppm
Sr FUS 695 111 ppm
Te 4A_MICP 0.2 0.1 ppm
Th 4A_MICP 1 3 ppm
Ti 4A_MICP 2091 162 ppm
Ti FUS 2106 80 ppm
Tl 4A_MICP 0.2 0.2 ppm
U 4A_MICP 0.7 0.9 ppm
U FUS 0.9 0.3 ppm
V 4A_MICP 178 5 ppm
V FUS 179 24 ppm
Y 4A_MICP 7 1 ppm
Y FUS 8 2 ppm
Zn 4A_MICP 37 5 ppm
Zr 4A_MICP 17 2 ppm
Major Oxides
Certified Concentrations (at two Standard Deviations)
Analyte Method 8(µ) 11 ± (2s) Unit
Al2O3 XRF 7 16.86 0.073 %
Al2O3 FUS 16.45 0.40 %
BaO FUS 0.144 0.023 %
CaO XRF 3.83 0.032 %
CaO FUS 3.75 0.17 %
Cr2O3 FUS 0.013 0.004 %
Fe2O3 XRF 3.95 0.013 %
Fe2O3 FUS 3.86 0.14 %
K2O XRF 4.71 0.037 %
K2O FUS 4.69 0.13 %
MgO XRF 1.37 0.013 %
MgO FUS 1.32 0.038 %
MnO XRF 0.057 0.006 %
MnO FUS 0.060 0.004 %
Na2O XRF 4.98 0.060 %
P2O5 XRF 0.250 0.007 %
SiO2 XRF 60.68 0.18 %
SiO2 FUS 60.20 3.0 %
TiO2 XRF 0.362 0.0070 %
TiO2 FUS 0.351 0.01 %
V2O5 FUS 0.032 0.004 %