AMIS0247 Cu 4.1% Co 1061ppm, Oxide, Kinsevere, DRC
Origin of Material: AMIS0247 is a commissioned CRM made from “DSH” material supplied by SGS Minerals Services from the Kinsevere Copper Mine, 27 km north on Lubumbashi, in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Kinsevere, formerly owned by Anvil Mining Limited, is now 95% owned by Minmetals Resources.
The Kinsevere Project comprises three known structurally modified stratiform copper deposits; Tshifufia, Tshifufiamashi and Kinsevere Hill. These are hosted within interbedded calcareous siltstones and silty dolomites of the Mines Group, overturned to a steep eastward dip during the Lufilian Orogeny (approximately 550 Ma). Deep weathering, extending to approximately 100 m below surface, has led to the development of a large oxide resource hosted by highly altered dolomitic and argillaceous sediments. Underlying sulphide mineralisation comprises chalcopyrite in crosscutting veins and stringers.
Mineral and Chemical Composition: Oxide ore mineralogy at Tshifufia, Tshifufiamashi and Kinsevere Hill is composed predominantly of malachite and pseudomalachite, with minor chrysocolla and rare intergrown heterogenite. These occur as disseminations and/or in veins and veinlets, which sometimes coalesce into prominent “clots”. Underlying sulphide mineralisation comprises chalcopyrite, chalcocite, and bornite; typically occuring as finely disseminated, bedding parallel layers, stratiform veins or as replacement of pyrite nodules. Lesser cross cutting quartz-carbonate- sulphide veins are also observed. Sulphide remobilisation during faulting has also led to the development of variably mineralised breccias.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits.
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Co F 1064 ± 47 ppm
Co M/ICP 1034 ± 73 ppm
Co P 1061 ± 112 ppm
Cu F 4.123 ± 0.325 %
Cu M/ICP 4.134 ± 0.225 %
Cu P 4.094 ± 0.117 %
SG 2.86 ± 0.10
Provisional Concentrations
CaO 0.07 ± 0.02 %
MnO 0.30 ± 0.004 %
Na2O 0.07 ± 0.01 %