AMIS0619 Cu 24.80% Black Mountain Aggeneys South Africa
Origin of Material
The material was provided by Black Mountain Mining and is a lead concentrate made from Black Mountain broken hill type ore from the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. The Aggeneys copper-lead-zinc-silver deposits occur in the Precambrian metavolcanic metasedimentary Bushmanland Group which forms part of the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Ore at the Black Mountain Mine is more copper-richer, in contrast to the other deposits to the east which are all more zinc-rich. This deposit comprises two superposed massive sulphide bodies namely the thicker upper ore body and a thinner lower ore body. Both ore bodies, which also carry disseminated sulphides, are hosted in the banded iron formation.
Analyte Method Certified (µ)7 (2s)9 ± Unit
Cu Titration1 24.80 1.5 %
Cu 4A_MICP2 25.14 1.8 %
Cu FUS3 25.68 1.8 %
SG SG4 4.28 0.20 Dimensionless
LOI LOI5 13.57 1.3 %
S Combustion/LECO6 31.14 2.4 %
Ag 4A_MICP 311 28 ppm
Al FUS 1439 244 ppm
As 4A_MICP 154 34 ppm
Ba 4A_MICP 57 5 ppm
Bi 4A_MICP 318 43 ppm
Ca 4A_MICP 4276 283 ppm
Ca FUS 4332 505 ppm
Cd 4A_MICP 40 4 ppm
Co 4A_MICP 476 32 ppm
Fe 4A_MICP 34.22 2.0 %
In 4A_MICP 57 6 ppm
La 4A_MICP 4 2 ppm
Mg 4A_MICP 1490 195 ppm
Mg FUS 1610 328 ppm
Mn 4A_MICP 3213 164 ppm
Mn FUS 3400 560 ppm
Mo 4A_MICP 1098 104 ppm
Ni 4A_MICP 330 29 ppm
Pb 4A_MICP 2.72 0.16 %
Sb 4A_MICP 117 30 ppm
Sr 4A_MICP 4 2 ppm
Ti 4A_MICP 98 6 ppm
Y 4A_MICP 2 0.6 ppm
Zn 4A_MICP 1.24 0.059 %
Zn FUS 1.29 0.11 %