Origin of Material
The material for this CRM was sourced from the Mufulira mine, which is a sediment-hosted stratabound copper deposit in the Zambian Copperbelt. The mine site is located 10km south of the border of Democratic Republic of Congo.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The Mufulira Mine is characterized by chalcopyrite mineralisation in Contact Shale and copper rich sections. Pyrite mineralisation increases at the expense of chalcopyrite in the upper part of the South Orebody Shale, and a zone of exclusively pyrite mineralisation occurs at the top. Bornite is typically absent from the ore formation, but minor occurrence appears on the fringes of the barren gaps, particularly in the contact shale. In order of importance, chalcopyrite, chalcocite and bornite are present in the mineralized footwall. Higher cobalt values are concentrated on either side of the geological footwall.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits (at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method (µ) (2s) ± Unit
Cu 2A_MICP 2.92 0.064 %
Cu 4A_MICP 2.94 0.19 %
Cu FUS 2.99 0.31 %
Co 2A_MICP 2207 389 ppm
Co 4A_MICP 2252 275 ppm
Co FUS 2166 347 ppm
C Combustion/LECO 3.32 0.095 %
S Combustion/LECO 3.27 0.14 %
S FUS 3.17 0.21 %
SG SG 2.81 0.050 Dimensionless
Ag 2A_MICP 1 0.2 ppm
Ag 4A_MICP 1 0.2 ppm
Al 4A_MICP 5.62 0.54 %
Al FUS 5.50 0.32 %
As 2A_MICP 16 2 ppm
As 4A_MICP 16 2 ppm
Ba 2A_MICP 108 28 ppm
Ba 4A_MICP 1006 27 ppm
Ba FUS 1019 27 ppm
Be 4A_MICP 1 0.1 ppm
Bi 2A_MICP 35 3 ppm
Bi 4A_MICP 32 8 ppm
Ca 2A_MICP 5.89 0.52 %
Ca 4A_MICP 5.86 0.59 %
Ca FUS 5.89 0.55 %
Cr 2A_MICP 23 4 ppm
Cr 4A_MICP 49 10 ppm
Cr FUS 65 18 ppm
Fe 2A_MICP 3.30 0.40 %
Fe 4A_MICP 3.30 0.27 %
Fe FUS 3.32 0.13 %
K 2A_MICP 6992 670 ppm
La 4A_MICP 30 2 ppm
Li 4A_MICP 27 3 ppm
Mg 4A_MICP 3.55 0.26 %
Mg FUS 3.65 0.19 %
Mn 2A_MICP 1869 61 ppm
Mn 4A_MICP 1872 161 ppm
Mn FUS 1943 83 ppm
Mo 2A_MICP 8 2 ppm
Mo 4A_MICP 9 1 ppm
Na 4A_MICP 8348 1046 ppm
Ni 2A_MICP 39 8 ppm
Ni 4A_MICP 40 7 ppm
Ni FUS 42 7 ppm
Pb 2A_MICP 3 2 ppm
Pb 4A_MICP 3 1 ppm
Sc 2A_MICP 4 0.5 ppm
Sc 4A_MICP 9 2 ppm
Si FUS 20.13 1.2 %
Sr 2A_MICP 56 4 ppm
Sr 4A_MICP 85 4 ppm
Sr FUS 81 5 ppm
Ti 2A_MICP 392 82 ppm
Ti FUS 3038 183 ppm
V 2A_MICP 34 9 ppm
V 4A_MICP 76 6 ppm
Y 4A_MICP 11 0.8 ppm
Zn 2A_MICP 12 4 ppm
Zn 4A_MICP 13 2 ppm
Zr 4A_MICP 79 4 ppm
Major Oxides Certified Concentrations (at two Standard Deviations)
Analyte Method (µ) (2s) ± Unit
CuO XRF 3.69 0.29 %
Al2O3 XRF 10.68 0.44 %
BaO XRF 0.14 0.01 %
CaO XRF 8.30 0.22 %
Fe2O3 XRF 4.80 0.19 %
K2O XRF 6.46 0.094 %
MgO XRF 6.17 0.10 %
MnO XRF 0.25 0.01 %
SiO2 XRF 43.97 3.8 %
TiO2 XRF 0.52 0.03 %