AMIS0357 Cu 2.5% Co 8885ppm oxide Mukondo/Kakanda DRC
Origin of Material: AMIS0357 was made using Copper-Cobalt oxide ore blended from the Mukondo and Kakanda Est projects (located 6 km apart in the Kakanda area but with the same host rocks and mineralogy) operated by BOSS Mining. The latter is a Joint Venture between the Central African Mining and Exploration Company (CAMEC), owned by Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (Africa) (ENRC), and the parastatal mining company GECAMINES. The Mukondo and Kakanda Est projects are in the Katanga Province, 50km north west of Likasi , 160km north west of the regional capital Lubumbashi and 95km east of Kolwezi, in the DRC. The Kakanda and Mukondo deposits are hosted by sedimentary rocks of the Neoproterozoic Katangan sequence developed within the Lufilian Arc in the Central African Copperbelt. Mineralisation is generally hosted within the dolomitic shales and argillites of the Mines Series.
Mineral and Chemical Composition: The main economic mineralogy comprises malachite and heterogenite with subordinate chrysocolla. Deeper holes at Kakanda have intersected chalcocite, and carrollite, with subordinate bornite and chalcopyrite.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Co F 8885 ± 851 ppm
Co M/ICP 8627 ± 634 ppm
Co P 8557 ± 327 ppm
Cu F 2.249 ± 0.066 %
Cu M/ICP 2.227 ± 0.105 %
Cu P 2.209 ± 0.094 %
Specific Gravity 2.77 ± 0.14
Provisional Concentrations
Cu Soluble ppm 2.102 ± 0.298 %