Origin of Material
The Frontier deposit is in the DRC on the east flank of the Kafue anticline, ~30km southeast of Mufulira. The deposit occurs within shales in the upper portions of the Mwashya Subgroup and within the base of the Nguba Group. The deposit is structurally controlled with sulfides in veins and irregular replacements adjacent to a major recumbent fold nucleated along the originally normal faults
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
The orebody consists of a complex network of stockwork to breccia veins that contain an assemblage of dolomite-quartz-chalcopyrite ± bornite.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
Certified Concentrations (at two Standard Deviations)
Cu 2A_MICP 2.02 0.10 %
Cu 3A_MICP 1.95 0.083 %
Cu 4A_MICP 2.02 0.083 %
Cu AS 1.62 0.11 %
Cu FUS 1.99 0.15 %
Cu SAL 1.62 0.18 %
Cu XRF 2.06 0.081 %
Co 2A_MICP 53 5 ppm
Co 4A_MICP 56 6 ppm
C Combustion/LECO 2676 182 ppm
Al 4A_MICP 4.13 0.11 %
Ba 4A_MICP 168 5 ppm
Fe 2A_MICP 4.70 0.14 %
Fe 4A_MICP 4.98 0.33 %
Mn 2A_MICP 2092 92 ppm
Mn 4A_MICP 2115 87 ppm
Ni 2A_MICP 40 1 ppm
Ni 4A_MICP 41 4 ppm
V 4A_MICP 60 7 ppm
Y 4A_MICP 31 3 ppm
Zn 2A_MICP 151 15 ppm
Zn 4A_MICP 154 9 ppm
Major Oxides
Certified Concentrations (at two Standard Deviations)
Al2O3 XRF 7.95 0.36 %
CaO XRF 1.12 0.033 %
Fe2O3 XRF 6.76 0.26 %
K2O XRF 0.64 0.04 %
MgO XRF 9.56 0.085 %
MnO XRF 0.27 0.02 %
SiO2 XRF 63.03 0.40 %
TiO2 XRF 0.51 0.02 %