AMIS0496 Au 2.34g/t Greenstone Nyankanga Tanzania
Origin of Material: AMIS0496 is an Anglo Gold commissioned CRM made from Nyankanga deposit.The Nyankanga Deposit is hosted in a package of BIF, shales and greywackes forming a roof-pendant next to the top of Nyankanga Intrusive Complex. The Nyankanga Intrusive Complex is composed of several facies of diorite bodies. Sets of quartz-feldspar-porphyry and quartz-porphyry dykes strike northeast and dipping northwest, cross cutting both BIF and diorite.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition: At mineral scale, gold mineralization is associated to chlorite-carbonate+hematite+albite-silica-pyrite/pyrrhotite-alteration in the damage zones. The latter comprise a variety of structural features, including veins and veinlets of variable composition, thickness and shapes; hydrothermal breccias; quartz+albite+carbonate veins forming local feeders spreading sulphides and gold outwards to replacing magnetite rich layers forming banded sulphide facies; and massive replacements and disseminations. Barren tourmaline-carbonate-quartz veins have been observed at places hosted in diorites
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentration
Au Pb Collection 2.34 ± 0.14 g/t