AMIS0515 Au 0.51 g/t U 14.2 ppm Wits South Africa
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method Certified Two Standard deviation
Au Pb collection1 0.51 0.05 g/t
U 4A-MICP2 14.2 1.4 ppm
U XRF3 13.9 2.3 ppm
U3O8 XRF3 16.4 2.8 ppm
LOI LOI4 2.55 0.34 %
S Comb/LECO5 0.530 0.030 %
Major Oxides
Certified Concentrations
Analyte Method Certified Two Standard deviation
Al2O3 XRF3 3.99 0.048 %
CaO XRF3 0.33 0.02 %
Cr2O3 XRF3 0.11 0.02 %
Fe2O3 XRF3 3.09 0.11 %
K2O XRF3 0.66 0.02 %
SiO2 XRF3 88.73 0.53 %
TiO2 XRF3 0.18 0.02 %
Origin of Material
This standard is a blend of Ventersdorp Contact Reef, Carbon Leader Reef and Vaal Reef material provided by Harmony Gold in South Africa.
Approximate Mineral and Chemical Composition
Throughout the Witwatersrand, gold ores occur in sheets or reefs originally deposited horizontally under water. The thickness of the reefs range between a lie of grit to several meters, with an average of 300mm. The sediments were also intersected by dykes and sills of dolomite, diabase and synite intruding existing faults. The reefs can be in the form of either course conglomerates, rock pebbles and cemented in a silicate matrix. Pebbles usually derived from vein quarts, may also consist of quartzitc, chert jasper and quartz porphyry. The matrix consists of pure silica, but also contains minute flakes of muscovite and prophylite as well as visible pyrite and other sulphides.The gold is usually confined to the matrix and tends to be concentrated along bedding planes (Vermeulen, 2001).