AMIS0352 Au 0.45g/t Epithermal Masbate Philippines
Origin of Material: The material for AMIS0352 was provided by the SGS Minerals Services from the Masbate Gold Mine, which is a joint venture between B2Gold Corp. and CGA Mining Limited. The Masbate gold deposit is located near the northern tip of the island of Masbate, 360 km south-east of the Philippines capital of Manila.
Mineral and Chemical Composition: The main deposit type within the project area is a ‘low-sulphidation’ epithermal vein gold style of mineralisation. The principal host rocks to the gold mineralisation comprise fractured andesitic-dacitic, tufaceous agglomerate. Mineralisation occurs within quartz veins within the agglomerate, and also within associated altered wall rocks, breccias and stockwork zones. Individual mineralised quartz veins can be traced up to 3 km. The primary mineral associated with gold (+minor silver) mineralisation is quartz, both in the form of fracture-filling quartz veins and in the silicification of the host rocks. Calcite is a common vein mineral but is generally present in smaller amounts or absent in the oxidized ore. Sulphides associated with quartz veining average between 1 and 10 % with pyrite making up 85 % to 95 % of all sulphides and as high as 40 per cent in places. Other sulphides present in significant percentages are galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and manganite.
Recommended Concentrations and Limits
(at two Standard Deviations)
Certified Concentrations
Au Pb Collection 0.45 ± 0.04 g/t
Cu M/ICP 138 ± 12 ppm
Specific Gravity 2.70 ± 0.14